Welcome to the blog for the common man (woman, child, and pet), a place to discuss politics, culture, and life.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Thank you Jevus!

The Common Man apologizes (not that The Common Man need ever apologize for anything) for the light blogging around here this week. As a special bonus, you can have an extra entry this weekend so that The Common Man can bring his total up to four for the week. It has been pretty busy in The Household this week, as The Uncommon Wife came up with bronchitis and The Boy got an ear infection. There has been a lot of work to do for school and, perhaps most importantly, The Common Family (which did spawn The Common Man, for he did not materialize out of the ether, you know) has come to visit for the weekend.

You don't care about excuses, of course. You just want a piece of The Common Man. Everyone wants a piece of The Common Man. While sometimes this demand grows tiresome, The Common Man understands how it can be so; he is, after all, pretty awesome. But since this is his blog, not yours, to get your The Common Man fix (you junkie, you), you will have to endure him talking about what's going on in his life at the moment.

Tomorrow, you see, The Boy will be dunked for Christ. This is a joyous occasion, for The Common Man loves the Lord (and the Lord loves The Common Man) and has been disappointed that The Boy has gone so long without the dunking (though not as disappointed as The Uncommon Wife). So, The Common Man's family, in-laws, and out-laws will be descending on him to celebrate immersing The Boy in water. Unlike the last mass family gathering (the nuptuals between The Common Man and The Uncommon Wife), there will be no dancing, no nervousness, and absolutely no drinking scotch from a vase. There has, however, been a great deal of practicing for the big day, as The Boy has been taking a lot of showers recently, practicing getting his face wet. He should be fine. At three months old, it's time for him to grow up a little. As Don Vito Corleone said to Johnny Fontane, "You can be a man!"

Next week, he's going to practice stifling his emotions and keeping a stiff upper lip.


Isis the Scientist said...

Well, you might not be drinking scotch from a vase, but The Uncommon Wife is going to get appropriately buzzed for the event just as she did before her nuptials.

Carl Yost said...

"But I don't even believe in Jebus!"

Great photo, too! Ah, the (hazy) memories...

Rainster said...

Hi-lar-i-ous. Cracked up, transitioning from "everyone wants a piece" to "loving the Lord" to Vito Corleone. That in itself warrants scotch from a vase!