Welcome to the blog for the common man (woman, child, and pet), a place to discuss politics, culture, and life.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Incoherence at 5:00 AM

It is very early and The Common Man has a long day ahead of him. Instead of a longer post, you get several short observations that are consistent with the scattered nature of The Common Man's brain at 5:00 in the morning.

Yesterday, after taking care of The Boy during an afternoon of clinginess, The Common Man was shown three videos on the YouTube by his Uncommon Wife. Let's call them Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C. She was amused by the first two and disturbed by the third. The Common Man finds them all relatively disturbing. It is amazing how some parents choose to scar their kids just for kicks, then decide it is a good idea to let the rest of the world see how they choose to scar their kids. Seriously, though I may talk about The Boy in this space, I don't really understand why anyone would put embarassing videos of their child online. It's exploitative and mean. And like those girls who go wild, their pictures will be around online forever. 20 years from now, what kind of complexes will the Sparkling Wiggles girl have? And how will the mentos boy ever learn to trust again? It is befuddling sometimes that The Common Man needs to purchase a liscense to fish but any idiot can have children. Anyway, the videos made The Common Man feel much better about his skills as a father.

The Common Man believes that the Kevin Durant of the Texas, which he blogged about last week, was a myth along the lines of bigfoot, unicorns, and sober Irishmen (happy belated St. Patty's Day). The Common Man watched roughly 3/4 of the NCAA tournament over the weekend, always trying to have it on in the background. Yet, he caught nary a glimpse of the elusive creature, as CBS decided that The Common Man didn't need to see the most exciting player in college hoops. The Kevin Durant, if he does in fact exist, was eliminated yesterday by USC. For now, blurry photos is all The Common Man has as proof of his existence, until the Durant joins the NBA and puts up 20 and 12 every night. In related news, The Common Man's bracket is shot to hell.

There is a series of comercials out right now for a cell phone where people in random places (in line at a coffee shop, at the gym, at dog park) accost the viewer (in first person camera mode) and make him listen to music on their phone. Since The Common Man doesn't remember what what company makes the phone (vcast?), he thinks it likely that this ad campaign is not terribly effective. Particularly because the individuals hawking the phones seem to be such d-bags. I mean, seriously, who leaves their spotter so that he can make you listen to Fall Out Boy? You're going to let your dog run wild while you make me listen to Justin Timberlake while you dance in front of me to music that you can't hear? These are reliable judges on what a good cell phone is (let alone good music)? Somebody's ad company deserves a firing.

Finally, The Common Man found this old clip on Friday and loved it. Oh, University of South Carolina! You provide such fodder for our amusement! From drunken, sexist, racist frat guys in a Winnebago (seriously, see Borat), to this guy, to The Simpsons ("I will not be a Gamecock!"), you have tickled this Common Man's funny bone in the way that no other college has before or since.


Isis the Scientist said...

I thought you were quite coherent at 5am as I peered out at you from under covers. And, I promise to never post videos of our son on You Tube.

Anonymous said...

Where are you, Common Man? My interest is dwindling...

Anonymous said...

Okay - you got me hooked and then took a LOA?? Don't know you, but do miss you.

The Common Man said...

See, and if only you had left a name or link or something, The Common Man could apologize to you in person, not that The Common Man ever apologizes. Alas!